8 Configuration Control Units The Smartpack Controller 9 Key Features. 5 System Diagram Flatpack2 Power System Control Units 6 CAN bus. Installation is to be in accordance with the recommendations herein Please read the manual carefully before using the equipment Issue 7.0, 2009 June Published Mfm 2 User s Guide Smartpack Controller,, 7vģ 1 Introduction Table of Contents 1. As the modules incorporate large charged capacitors, it is dangerous to work inside the system even if the mains supply is disconnected Products into which our components are incorporated have to comply with a number of requirements. Copyright : Eltek Valere, 2009 NS-EN ISO Certified NS-EN ISO 9001 Certified Certificate No: AE-NOR-NA Certificate No: AQ-NOR-NA Safety Precautions The equipment described in this manual must only be operated by Eltek Valere personnel or by persons who have attended a suitable Eltek Valere training course The equipment represents an energy hazard and failure to observe this could cause terminal injury and invalidate our warranty There are hazardous voltages inside the power system.

No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording for any purpose without the explicit written permission of Eltek Valere. 1 User's Guide Smartpack Controllers Monitoring and Control Units Powerpack, Flatpack2 & Minipack DC Power Supply SystemsĢ 1 Introduction Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Eltek Valere.